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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
"In success be moderate."
This means don’t get a big head, pride goes before a fall, hubris: being so overconfident that you set yourself up for failure.

Reginald Poe Carelock

Finding Your Calling

It may take more time than you think. For starters don't doubt yourself and, be consistent.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
"Without justice, courage is weak."
This means no matter how strong you are you need a level playing field to succeed.

Reginald Poe Carelock


Can you believe what Wall Street says to 2008.
"Good riddance to you 2008."
It was said with good reason. Dow, down 36% worst year since 1931. S&P 500, down 41% worst year since 1931. Nasdaq, down 43% worst year since 1971. As you can see wall street will be heading into the new year facing new hurdles. Advice, start positioning yourself now. Keep in mind Wall Street affects the world.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
"Early to bed and, early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise."
This means be moderate in all of your habits and you will be rewarded.

Reginald Poe Carelock


I woke up this morning thinking. Yeah, I do believe in miracles. There's no question to it. I believe in you and me.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
"He that cannot bear with other People’s Passions, cannot govern his own."
This means you have to learn to be patient with others before you can be patient with yourself. A prime example is when it comes to the elderly. Their thoughts are not as quick and their movements are not as fast.

Reginald Poe Carelock

Who Am I

I am human. I am someone who has issues like everyone else. Only I confront my issues. Will that do for a start. Are you confronting your issues?

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:

"It is easy to avoid things that we know are bad for us but we have to look carefully at those things that appear to be good for us because they may actually be bad."

This means just crossing the street even though the light is green can be harmful and, in some cases even fatal. Although the light is in your favor look again, look both ways, then cross.

Reginald Poe Carelock

Birth Right

Seek knowledge from cradle to grave. In life you don't or won't get the chance to hit the replay button. If I, should I, could I. This is a one shot deal. I urge you to make the most of it. Knowledge is infinite and ever lasting.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:

"You cannot pluck roses without fear of thorns."

This means nothing is ever perfect, no gain without pain. You may have to break a few eggs to get to the yolk. Possibly you may have to step on some toes maybe your own to get to the core. And, that can be painful. Case in point is today's topic below.

Reginald Poe Carelock

Do You Know Yourself

What you want, what you don't want? What you like, what you don't like? What you'll do, what you won't do? What you believe, what you don't believe? This is your life, these are things you should know.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:

"Three may keep a Secret, if two of them are dead."
This means the secret that was made between three people is now only a secret between two, because one decided to tell a friend. In other words a secret between 3 people, is a secret only if 2 are dead. The above quote sounds funny but, it has a serious message.

Reginald Poe Carelock

Secrecy - Good Or Bad

Keeping a secret that has been entrusted to you, can be a good deed, if it protects a truth that is for everyone's good. However, it is a burden, and as Poor Richard says, if you tell somone then it is no longer a secret. However, keeping a secret can be a bad burden, as we have seen from so many of the recent financial frauds and financial mismanagements. In this case, secrets of fraud and bad management, has harmed and in some cases destroyed peoples lives. In analysing secrets they can be either good or bad depending on the content and message of the secret. A case in point is yesterdays blog " History of Monetary Fraud " in which I pointed out that the secrecy practiced in Ponzi schemes allows the criminal to practice on trusting people, in other words, trust is the casualty of secrecy and in this case a secret is bad.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
"He that sells upon trust, loses many friends, and always wants money."
This means beware of the money adviser who says to “trust me” and offers little else in the way of proof of honesty – we see that in the every day financial news – this is the classic prescription for a Ponzi Scheme – the operator needs new money, which he gets from trust, i.e., word of mouth, to pay off old investors demanding there money.

Reginald Poe Carelock

Note from the streets

As a street vendor I faced fierce competition from other vendors who constantly lowered their prices to the point that nobody could make a profit. The Beneficiary of this was the customer of course. They got cheap goods which was good for them bad for me.
"Deflation: The act of deflating or the condition of being deflated".
Competition drives down salaries and prices. Auto industry, Real Estate, Job Cuts and Salary Cuts.

History of Monetary Fraud

Brief Description of Charles Ponzi (March 3, 1882January 18, 1949) was an Italian immigrant to the United States who became one of the greatest swindlers in American history. His aliases include Charles Ponei, Charles P. Bianchi, Carl and Carlo. The term "Ponzi scheme" is a widely known description of any scam that relies on a "pyramid" of "investors" who contribute money to a fraudulent program. He promised clients a 50% profit within 45 days, or 100% profit within 90 days, by buying discounted postal reply coupons in other countries and redeem them at face value in the United States as a form of arbitrage. Ponzi was probably inspired by the scheme of William Miller, a Brooklyn bookkeeper who in 1899 used the same pyramid scheme to take in $1 million.

Charles Ponzi created what is now called the ponzi scheme (New money in old money out).

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:

"The Family of Fools is ancient."

This means that its old. Stupid has been around forever. Try something new by maximizing your potential, see how far you’ll travel.

Reginald Poe Carelock

Monday, December 22, 2008

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
"Better slip with foot than tongue".
This means keep your foot out of your mouth, there is nothing worse than saying something stupid, better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove it, if you don't have something good to say don't say anything. If you cannot wish Him or Her good fortune then please, keep your mouth shut.

Reginald Poe Carelock

9 Rules of Good Business

  • Keep It Simple! Keep It Fast!
  • Single Point Of Contact.
  • Quick Response (5 minutes or less).
  • Own the Process, A Single “Responsible” Person.
  • Poor Business Is Almost Always Related To Poor Communication.
  • The Key To Good Communication Is Listening.
  • Follow Up, Follow Up, And Then Follow Up Again!
  • Thou Shall Quality Control All Business!
  • CLIENT SERVICE: Accept Criticism, It Is The Only Way To Get Better, And Never Get Defensive. The Best Answer Is YES, And Then Find A Solution. This Often Leads To New Service Levels Which Is Beneficial To Everyone.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Poe Reginald's Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:

"Would you live with ease, Do what you ought, and not what you please."

This means if you want things to be good, take care of your responsibilities not just what is fun or entertaining. Take care of your business today, the fun and games will follow tomorrow.

Reginald Poe Carelock

Thursday, December 18, 2008

How Long Does It Take?:

Even as children on a trip we often asked "How long before we get there?". Success at anything takes time but we still ask "how long". Working toward success is like a trip. The question of how long does it take to become successful at something was answered recently in a book entitled: OUTLIERS: STORIES OF SUCCESS. And the surprising answer is 10,000 hours. The author derived this number from multiple interviews with successful people in many fields - he calls it the 10,000 Hour Rule. So the answer of how long does it take to get good at something, including Internet Businesses, is 40 hours a week for 5 years which is approximately 10,000 hours.