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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
He that takes a wife, takes care.
Marriage has many responsibilities and burdens – for both men and women.

Reginald Poe Carelock

It’s In The Bag! Dynamic City Unlimited = WWW.DCUNY.COM

Just wait until you see what’s in the bag; from Dynamic City Unlimited “The Mall that never closes!” Offering free Delivery right to your home! Some restrictions apply.

Important Disclosure

The Pre-Paid Legal Business Opportunity: The Pre-Paid Legal Business Opportunity involves the marketing of various legal and specialty service memberships. There are opportunities in the realm of relationship building, but our primary business and corporate focus is the sale and persistency of these memberships. Pre-Paid Legal Independent Associates are independent contractors and not employees of Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. or any subsidiary.
Nothing worth achieving is easy – this includes the Pre-Paid Legal Business Opportunity: The Pre-Paid Legal business opportunity is a simple concept. A wide variety of personality types and prior experience levels are represented in the roster of our most successful entrepreneurs. It requires hard work and is not a “get-rich quick” scheme – and we’re incredibly proud of that and would never try to hide that fact! It shows we are a legitimate business; here to stay.
With that in mind, you should know… Actual earnings potential depends on a variety of factors, including, but not limited to, effort and ability. Any earnings representations, stated or implied, found on this website will not reflect the majority of our independent associates earnings. As with any opportunity worth pursuing, expectations of success should be realistic and carefully considered along with your individual work ethic and ability. The examples provided are intended to show potential results, and the people achieving these results worked hard, and in some cases, many years, to achieve the level of success shown. Such results should not be considered typical within our Independent Associate base. Pre-Paid Legal is a multi-level marketing company, and to achieve financial success under our business model requires the individual to work hard and either possess, or develop, abilities in the area of product/service sales and relationship building. Any person considering becoming an independent contractor under the Pre-Paid Legal business model should read and understand fully the terms and conditions printed on the back of the standard Associate Agreement. It is important to note that the company may modify, supplement, or terminate any business/compensation program at any time.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
The magistrate should obey the Laws, the People should obey the magistrate.
A just system is one where everyone does the right thing – those that administer the law and those that follow it.

Reginald Poe Carelock

What’s Special Today! Dynamic City Unlimited = WWW.DCUNY.COM

Mostly everything, come in and take a look around Dynamic City Unlimited “The Mall that never closes!” Offering free Delivery right to your home! Some restrictions apply.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
In a discreet man’s mouth, a public thing is private.
Keep things that are meant to be private, private.

Reginald Poe Carelock

A To Z - Dynamic City Unlimited = WWW.DCUNY.COM

I feel safe while shopping or just browsing the websites of Dynamic City Unlimited “The Mall that never closes!” Offering free Delivery right to your home! Some restrictions apply.

Buffett's Top 10 Investing Secrets

Buffets’ top ten investment advice list: "I can say the dumbest things in the world and a fair number of people will think there's some great hidden meaning to it or something." -- Warren Buffett, the oft-quoted CEO of Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK-A) (NYSE: BRK-B) and unofficial holder of the "world's greatest investor" title. There's a big risk in listening to someone give advice outside his circle of competence. Listen to a Hollywood actor speak for five minutes if you want proof. Keeping this warning in mind, I've assembled Warren Buffett's top 10 nuggets focusing solely on his area of unquestioned expertise -- investing.

10. "A ham sandwich could run Coca-Cola.": Believe it or not, that's a compliment to Coke (NYSE: KO). It speaks to why it's Berkshire Hathaway's biggest stock holding. As Peter Lynch put it, "Go for a business that any idiot can run -- because sooner or later, any idiot probably is going to run it."

9. Margin of safety: As with many of his most beloved tenets, Buffett got this one from his mentor, Benjamin Graham. A margin of safety simply means buying in at a price well below your best estimate for a stock's intrinsic value. In other words, don't just buy names like Visa (NYSE: V) and Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) because they are great companies with strong moats (more about moats later). Go the extra step, and only buy them when they are great companies selling for good to great prices.

8. The concept of inner scorecard vs. outer scorecard: "If the world couldn't see your results, would you rather be thought of as the world's greatest investor but in reality have the world's worst record? Or be thought of as the world's worst investor when you were actually the best?" Those who answer the latter have an inner scorecard. They'll have the ability to be a true contrarian, ignoring the world's judgment and focusing on long-term results.

7. Don't fall into the false precision trap: "We like things that you don't have to carry out to three decimal places. If you have to carry them out to three decimal places, they're not good ideas." It's important to keep the big picture in mind. A 20-tab Excel model that calculates a company's value on a discounted cash flow basis is useless unless you understand the business enough to feed in good assumptions. When Buffett made a killing on PetroChina earlier in the decade, the mispricing was so obvious that his only due diligence was reading its annual report. Not recommended for mere mortals, but you see his point.

6. A stock is the right to own a little piece of a business: Another Graham idea. We frequently divorce a stock from its underlying company, especially when Mr. Market is delivering up a volatile stock price. Remember, though, that in the long run, a stock is only as good as the company backing it up. Kind of like how a promise is only as good as the person making it.

5. "Intensity is the price of excellence": When asked what the most important key to his success was, Buffett answered "Focus." Microsoft founder Bill Gates answered the same way. Buffett reached his current heights not only because of his brilliant mind, but also because of a focus that has had him analyzing stocks for hours on end, just about every day, for decades. The takeaway for armchair investors is to stick to buying and holding index funds and ETF's, unless you have the time to dedicate to individual stock picking. Even then, indexing should be the core of most portfolios.

4. "I will tell you how to become rich. Close the doors. Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.": Remembering the Buffett concept of an inner scorecard, and the Rudyard Kipling admonition to "keep your head when all about you are losing theirs," can lead to outsize returns as Mr. Market sways back and forth.

3. "Leverage is the only way a smart guy can go broke.": Debt is dangerous. That's why you can have banks rife with Harvard MBA's (hello, Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan) that are always a few days away from bankruptcy via a crisis in confidence. See also: Lehman Brothers. For regular investors, buying stock on margin replicates this risk. Don't do it.

2. The concept of a "moat": Buffett looks for companies with moats, or sustainable competitive advantages. The strength of Coca-Cola's moat (its brand) is why he believes a ham sandwich could run it. The stronger a company's moat, the more likely it will be a leader for decades rather than years. For examples, see some of the other companies Berkshire Hathaway owns a significant stake in: Johnson & Johnson, GEICO, Procter & Gamble, and Wells Fargo (NYSE: WFC).

1. The Snowball: Buffett's definitive biography, "The Snowball," is titled so because it sums up his life in two words. Over everything else, Buffett believes in the power of patiently compounding over time. In investing, that means starting as early as possible (he started as a pre-teen), avoiding short-term risks even if it means lower possible returns (rule No. 1: never lose money), and letting investing returns build upon itself. By heeding these 10 lessons from Buffett, we can all turn our snowballs into snow forts.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
Wealth is not his that has it, but his that enjoys it.
Don’t be afraid to enjoy your good fortune or success.

Reginald Poe Carelock

I Need? Dynamic City Unlimited = WWW.DCUNY.COM

Just when I thought that I could not find it I found Dynamic City Unlimited “The Mall that never closes!” Offering free Delivery right to your home! Some restrictions apply.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
Done is better than well said.
Walk the walk don’t just talk the talk.

Reginald Poe Carelock

At Your Service! Dynamic City Unlimited = WWW.DCUNY.COM

Day or night! Whenever you want or need just reach for your nearest computer and, go to Dynamic City Unlimited “The Mall that never closes!” Offering free Delivery right to your home! Some restrictions apply.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
All things are cheap to the saving, dear to the wasteful.
Once you have spent or wasted your money everything looks expensive, but those that have money can take advantage of bargains when they appear.

Reginald Poe Carelock

3, 2, 1, Blastoff! Dynamic City Unlimited = WWW.DCUNY.COM

‘Blastoff’ provides you with the necessities needed to start your Home Business, from one of the greatest sites; Blastoff pays you with ‘Cash Back’ rewards. Find out more by going to Dynamic City Unlimited “The Mall that never closes!” Offering free Delivery right to your home! Some restrictions apply.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
An innocent Plowman is more worthy than a vicious Prince.
Good behavior is a higher title – is worth more – than the greatest title that is badly used.

Reginald Poe Carelock

Blastoff Now! Dynamic City Unlimited = WWW.DCUNY.COM

Start your own Internet Business that pays you with ‘Cash Back’ rewards. Blastoff - Find out more by going to Dynamic City Unlimited “The Mall that never closes!” Offering free Delivery right to your home! Some restrictions apply.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
A good Man is seldom uneasy, an ill one never easy.
Being good is its own reward, doing bad is its own punishment.

Reginald Poe Carelock

You Can! Dynamic City Unlimited = WWW.DCUNY.COM

Start making your money from home with your own ‘Blastoff Network’ it’s FREE; go to: Dynamic City Unlimited “The Mall that never closes!” Offering free Delivery right to your home! Some restrictions apply.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
He that scatters Thorns, let him not go barefoot.
Be careful about what you say as it may come back to hurt you.

Reginald Poe Carelock

It’s Free? Dynamic City Unlimited = WWW.DCUNY.COM

To have your very own ‘Blastoff’ website/Shopping Mall for free just go to Dynamic City Unlimited “The Mall that never closes!” Offering free Delivery right to your home! Some restrictions apply.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
Be neither silly, nor cunning, but wise.
True wisdom requires the proper balance of knowledge and truth.

Reginald Poe Carelock

Shopping Is? Dynamic City Unlimited = WWW.DCUNY.COM

Shopping is Fantastic … simply, fantastic shopping at Dynamic City Unlimited “The Mall that never closes!” Offering free Delivery right to your home! Some restrictions apply.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
Do good to thy Friend to keep him, to thy enemy to gain him.
Good behavior and acts can benefit you whether practiced on friends or enemies.

Reginald Poe Carelock

Today Is? Dynamic City Unlimited = WWW.DCUNY.COM

It’s your time to explore & shine at Dynamic City Unlimited “The Mall that never closes!” Offering free Delivery right to your home! Some restrictions apply.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
Be not sick too late, nor well too soon.
Everything in its proper place and on time.

Reginald Poe Carelock

Today I Bought? Dynamic City Unlimited = WWW.DCUNY.COM

Now tell me what you bought at Dynamic City Unlimited “The Mall that never closes!” Offering free Delivery right to your home! Some restrictions apply.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
Jack Little sowed little, & little he’ll reap.
You have to give to get.

Reginald Poe Carelock

Want More? Dynamic City Unlimited = WWW.DCUNY.COM

Bringing a smile to your face is what D.C.U.N.Y. does; Dynamic City Unlimited “The Mall that never closes!” Offering free Delivery right to your home! Some restrictions apply.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
Don’t throw stones at your neighbors, if your own windows are glass.
Be careful to blame others because we probably have the same faults.

Reginald Poe Carelock

What’s There? Dynamic City Unlimited = WWW.DCUNY.COM

You’ve got to see it to believe it; Dynamic City Unlimited “The Mall that never closes!” Offering free Delivery right to your home! Some restrictions apply.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
All things are easy to Industry, All things difficult to Sloth.
Working hard pays off, being lazy rarely does and eventually catches up with you.

Reginald Poe Carelock

The Shopping At… Dynamic City Unlimited = WWW.DCUNY.COM

Shopping is truly - Extraordinary - the specials are, Special; Dynamic City Unlimited “The Mall that never closes!” Offering free Delivery right to your home! Some restrictions apply.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
One Mend-fault is worth two Findfaults, but one Findfault is better than two Makefaults.
It is better to shake hands than to criticize but it is better to criticize than to harm someone.

Reginald Poe Carelock

Shopping At Dynamic City Unlimited = WWW.DCUNY.COM

I literally cannot get enough of Dynamic City Unlimited “The Mall that never closes!” Offering free Delivery right to your home! Some restrictions apply.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
If you ride a Horse, sit close and tight, If you ride a Man, sit easy and light.
Most things in business requires a careful touch but when dealing with people don’t overdo it, give them respect and they will respect you.

Reginald Poe Carelock

Shopping’s A Breeze! Dynamic City Unlimited = WWW.DCUNY.COM

Shopping with D.C.U.N.Y. online is the way to go; all of my favorite stores are in one place, Dynamic City Unlimited “The Mall that never closes!” Offering free Delivery right to your home! Some restrictions apply.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
The rotten Apple spoils his Companion.
Don’t let one rotten apple spoil the bunch.

Reginald Poe Carelock

For All Occasions! Dynamic City Unlimited = WWW.DCUNY.COM

For all events! The Shopping Mall that was built for you; Dynamic City Unlimited “The Mall that never closes!” Offering free Delivery right to your home! Some restrictions apply.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
He that would live in peace & at ease, Must not speak all he knows, nor judge all he sees.
Be careful what you say, live within your means, and do not be too quick to judge or make up your mind based on what is on the surface, in other words, be smart and careful.

Reginald Poe Carelock

Loving It! Dynamic City Unlimited = WWW.DCUNY.COM

Everyday … I am loving D.C.U.N.Y., a little more; Dynamic City Unlimited “The Mall that never closes!” Offering free Delivery right to your home! Some restrictions apply.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
If you desire many things, many things will seem but a few.
The more you get the more you want.

Reginald Poe Carelock

Getting Bigger! Dynamic City Unlimited = WWW.DCUNY.COM

Drawing in more of a crowd; people are catching on, come shop with confidence at Dynamic City Unlimited “The Mall that never closes!” Offering free Delivery right to your home! Some restrictions apply.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
God helps them that help themselves.
Don’t wish or even pray for something to happen you need to take the responsibility and make it happen.

Reginald Poe Carelock

A City Within A City! Dynamic City Unlimited = WWW.DCUNY.COM

All that I can say is imagine greater; Dynamic City Unlimited “The Mall that never closes!” Offering free Delivery right to your home! Some restrictions apply.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
Now I’ve a sheep and a cow, every body bids me good morrow.
A poor man, with no property, gets no respect.

Reginald Poe Carelock

Newly Renovated! Dynamic City Unlimited = WWW.DCUNY.COM

And, highly innovated - come visit the new look and new products; please feel free to browse around Dynamic City Unlimited “The Mall that never closes!” Offering free Delivery right to your home! Some restrictions apply.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Poe Reginald’s Almanac

I have used Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac as inspiration for my Poe Reginald’s Almanac blog spot – commonsense advice and facts that should be useful to you in your day to day business and life. The quote below from Poor Richard introduces today’s message:
Keep flax from fire, youth from gaming.
No a thing for what it is and what it is vulnerable to.

Reginald Poe Carelock